Competence Management


The aim of competence management is to effectively harness the potential that every organisation has based on existing employee skills and abilities and, based on this, to develop the competences necessary for sustainable competitiveness. This means actively controlling and steering one’s own portfolio of competences.

Competence management combines two fundamental approaches of organizational science, both of which find application here: the resource-based approach or core competence approach and the learning-oriented competence approach. Both approaches are relevant to the practice of competence management.


The Resource-Oriented Approach

The resource-oriented approach – also known as the core competence approach – fundamentally deals with the utilisation of an organisation’s potential, with the aim of securing its long-term viability through the accumulation of the right resources. In this way, it sets itself apart from the market environment.


The learning-oriented approach

In contrast, the learning-oriented competence approach focuses on the individual as the competence carrier. Key competences are therefore characterized as prerequisites for a person’s self-disposition.


The FMT approach

The FMT approach is a congruent combination of both approaches. We work together to develop the core competencies you need, identify your objectives and map the existing competence status of your organisation. We then close long-term gaps through competence development measures and short-term gaps through short-term competence acquisitions. We work together to lay the groundwork for the future self-disposition of your organisation, which is then jointly maintained and monitored.


Competence management, as a core task of knowledge-based organisation governance, goes beyond the traditional understanding of training and development, in which learning, self-organisation, use and marketing of competences are integrated. Competence management also includes describing and documenting the tasks and professional competences (e.g. in the context of a human capital audit), as well as the transfer, use and development of competences, while focussing on securing the personal goals of the employee along with the organisation’s aims.



Establish a structured and condensed summary of the professional competences on an employee level and company level. The aim is a structured qualitative and quantitative analysis of the existing competence level.



Critical analysis of the competence levels and identification of the organisational objectives, resulting in a target-oriented appraisal of the professional competences.



Distribution and dissemination of the competences throughout the different levels in the organisation (project, process and control levels) with the aim of achieving a high level of acceptance of the current competence level. The transition to knowledge management is seamless.



Adjustment of the developed professional competence portfolio, taking into account the existing potential and the future requirements (increase or decrease). This also includes a risk analysis, in which the organisational, departmental or technical risks of an exodus or obsolescence of important professional competences are identified and countermeasures recommended.

The model

Professional competence management can be implemented in a company using a process model developed jointly with Prof. Dr. Matthias Ziegler of Humboldt University. The model is rooted in the fundamental idea that both the employees themselves and the organization can control, adapt and develop the aggregated organizational professional competence portfolio. A synchronization of both interests is an important element of this model. The modular structure of the model allows individuals to easily adapt the model to the conditions of their organisation. The method is split into three phases: identification, validation and transfer.



Starting with the analysis, the existing strategically important business areas in the organization and the associated corporate competencies are systematically examined and identified. The model aims to examine selected value-added processes, business processes, products, services, projects and technologies with regard to business-relevant fields of competence. On the basis of these findings, a strategic direction for competence management is determined (e.g. initiation of competence-oriented further training; rebuilding of corporate competence XY, etc.). From the results of the analysis, the individual competencies relevant to the organization-dependent tasks of the employees are derived (task catalog). Roles are determined on the basis of this catalogue (role catalogue). A clear target competence profile is created for each role, which is broken down into technical, methodological and social components (drill-down). The competence catalogue aggregates task and role-related competences and structures them according to core business areas.



In the validation phase, the actual competences of the employees are determined in accordance with the target competence catalogue. This takes place objectively and digitally. We encourage organizations to concentrate on strategically important employee groups (e.g. research and development, sales and other key positions). The degree of competence, i.e. the characteristics of the individual competences, is determined on a predetermined expertise scale and thus made measurable.



The competence transfer between the employees builds on the transparency of the current competence level, and is organised very precisely, depending on the competence supply and demand within the company. Competence levels, which were previously isolated are now transparent throughout the organisation and can be linked. Suitable digital solutions support dynamic or periodic updates and distribution of competence information. Tracking the network pattern between the employees will result in an organisation-wide diagnosis of the learning and competence patterns. Used as a management tool, the company leadership team can use the results of the competence pattern as a basis for improving the competence management strategy and specific adjustment of the network concept. By underpinning the model with a performance management system adapted to the company, it is feasible to have permanent overview of the competence portfolio along with an active development programme.